U.S. Federal Route 371 is the main north-south highway in Nevada County. This is one of Nevada Counties longest surface highways. U.S. Rt. 371 passes through the following towns in Nevada County. Prescott Laneburg Rosston Willisville U.S. Rt. 371 is multi-plexed in Nevada County. Arkansas State Route 24, from the Hempstead/Nevada County Line to Pescott. Arkansas State Route 299, near Laneburg. U.S. Rt. 278, near Rosston. U.S. Rt. 371 intersects the following highways in Nevada County. Interstate 30, near Prescott. Arkansas State Route 19, at Prescott. U.S. Rt. 67, at Prescott. Arkansas State Route 24, at Prescott. Arkansas State Route 299, near Laneburg. Arkansas State Route 299, near Laneburg. Arkansas State Route 372, at Laneburg. Arkansas State Route 372, near Laneburg. U.S. Rt. 278, at Rosston. Arkansas State Route 200, at Rosston. U.S. Rt. 278, near Rosston. Arkansas State Route 76, ner Waterloo. Arkansas State Route 32, at Willisville.
BGS on WB I-30.
A guide marker on NB U.S. Rt. 371. Photo from: Paul Dienhart