Interstate 410, Texas
Roads of the Mid-South & West > Highways of the State of Texas > Interstate 10, Texas > Interstate 410, Texas
| Interstate 410 |
Interstate 410 is a belt-loop around Metro-San Antonio. It carries the name of the Connelly Loop. The exit numbers start at a Frontage Road exit west of Interstate 35; Texas State Route 16/130 on the southwest side of the metro area.
While in Texas, I-10 is multi-plexed.
I-410 is multi-plexed with...
...Texas State Route 16, at San Antonio.
...Interstate 35, at San Antonio.
...Texas State Route 130, at San Antonio.
...U.S. Rt. 281, at San Antonio.
In Texas, Interstate 410 crosses the following interstates.
Interstate 10, at San Antonio.
Interstate 35, at San Antonio.
Interstate 35, at San Antonio.
Interstate 10, at San Antonio.
Interstate 37, at San Antonio.
Interstate 35, at San Antonio.
Info on the parent route of I-410.
A guide marker on SB U.S. Rt. 87.
Photo from: Paul Dienhart
A BGS on NB I-35.
Photo from: Paul Dienhart
9 September 2015
Shield at the top of the page from: Paul Dienhart
I-10 shield from: Paul Dienhart