Interstate 72, IllinoisRoads of the Mid-South & West > Highways of the State of Illinois > Interstate 72, Illinois
 | Interstate 72 |
Interstate 72 is one of the newer interstates in Illinois. It runs from Champaign to near Hannibal, MO. For many years, I-72 ran only to Springfield, ending at I-55/Clear Lake Ave (IL St Rt 97). As the portion from Springfield west was built, U.S. Rt. 36 ran along the right-of-way. When completed to just before the Mississippi River, I-72 was extended. Shortly, after a bridge across the Mississippi River was built and the State of Missouri extened I-72 west. Plans call for I-72 to one day reach Kansas City.
In Illinois, I-72 is multi-plexed several times.
I-72 is multi-plexed with...
...U.S. Rt. 51, from M.P.141 to M.P. 133 at Decatur.

...U.S. Rt. 36, from Decatur to the Missouri/Illinois State Line.

...Interstate 55, from Clear Lake Ave. to 6th Street in Springfield.

...Illinois State Route 110, near East Hannibal.

When I-72 was built through the Decatur Area, I-39 was being built from Rockford to Bloomington. It was called for in plans to run all the way to Decatur. Due to ecinomical problems with the transportation budget, I-39 only made it to Normal. On the northside of Decatur, the interchange where I-39 was suppose to merge in was built, minus the bridges and roadways of the ramps. The graded road bed for the stack interchange was constructed.
WB I-72 at "Future I-39"

The first signs of the median widening for the interchange.

The first look at the ghost ramp for traffic from WB I-72 to "NB I-39".

A closer look at the ghost ramp for traffic from WB I-72 to "NB I-39".

WB I-72 at the mound for the roadbed of traffic from EB I-72/NB I-39 to NB I-39.

WB I-72 at another ghost ramp. Ths would be for merging traffic from SB I-39.
EB I-72 at "Future I-39"

EB I-72 near where NB I-39 would split from EB I-72.

A closer look at the ghost ramp for NB I-39 traffic.

EB I-72 curving through the partial built interchange.

The ghost ramp for traffic from SB I-39 to EB I-72.
I-72 crosses the following interstates in Illinois.
Interstate 57, at Champaign.

EB I-72 two miles from I-57.

EB I-72 two miles from I-57. (April, 2010)

EB I-72 one mile from I-57.

A close-up of the BGS in the photo above. I-74 intersects I-57 one mile to the north of this interchange.

A BGS for SB I-57 on EB I-72.

EB I-72 at SB I-57. (Nov., 2006)

EB I-72 at I-57. (2003)

EB I-72 at NB I-57.

WB I-72 at NB I-57. (April, 2022)
Interstate 55, at Springfield.

The first BGS for NB I-55 on NB I-55; EB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36.

A BGS on NB I-55; EB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36.

NB I-55; EB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 at NB I-55.

NB I-55; EB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 one mile from the Clear Lake Exit. This is the new signs from the ones above, with Clear View Font. (July, 2008)

NB I-55; EN I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 near the Clear Lake Exit. (July, 2008)

NB I-55 at EB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36. (July, 2008)

WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 over two miles from I-55.

WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 at NB I-55. (July, 2008)
Interstate 55, at Springfield.

The first BGS for the split of I-55 and I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 on SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36.

A BGS one mile from SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36.

SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 near their split on the southside of Springfield.

SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 two miles from the 6th Street Interchange. (June, 2010)

A BGS one mile from the interchange on SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36. (June, 2010)

SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 near the 6th Street Interchange. (June, 2010)

A graphical BGS on SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36.

SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 at their split on the south side of Springfield.

SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 twp miles from their split. (August, 2018)

A BGS one mile ahead of the spilt of SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36. (August, 2018)

Lane markers on SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36. (August, 2018)

A BGS on SB I-55; WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36. (August, 2018)

SB I-55 at WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36. (August, 2018)

EB I-72, west of the 6th Street Interchange.

EB I-72 near I-55 (6th Street).

EB I-72 at I-55. Same as the picture above.

EB I-72 over one mile from I-55.

EB I-72 at I-55.
Interstate 172, near East Hannibal.

EB I-72 one mile from I-172.

EB I-72 near I-172.

EB I-72 at I-172.

The exit markers at the gore point. NOTE: There doesn't need to be a "4A" and the "4" should have a left arrow.

EB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 one mile from I-172. (February, 2010)

EB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 near I-172. (February, 2010)

EB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 at I-172. (February, 2010)

The new gore point sign. This replaced the ones above. (February, 2010)

WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 one mile from I-172.

WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 near I-172.

WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 at I-172.

WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 one mile from I-172. (September, 2010)

WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 near I-172. (September, 2010)

WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 at I-172. (September, 2010)

WB I-72/U.S. Rt. 36 at the gore point at I-172.
Branches of I-72

Photos of Interstate 72 as it travels through Illinois.
Select A Section of I-72.

4 September 2024